Before you begin
Have a quick read over the points below before you start to play about with your vehicle.
Read through the whole guide before you start
In my experience you will save yourself a lot of time an effort if you read through the guides before beginning. I know its boring and you want to get in there but it’s a lot easier if you know what you need to do and what tools to use.
Take pictures, lots of pictures
Get your camera or your phone out and get snap happy. Before you take something apart take a pic, half way through take a pic. It’s good to have some images to refer back too if you get lost or struggle putting it back together.
Community spirit
As with everything on this site if you know a better way of doing things or find anything different on your specific model / year or spot an error let me know.
Join you local VW club / forum
Do a Google search for your local VW clubs and have a look on Facebook. The chances are that there will be a member there who has had the same problem or issue a you have.
Check out other clubs and forums for info and guides. VZI ( Volkszone ) is one of the biggest…..